Ladravam alto e a bem ladrar, ERA O FIM DO MUNDO!
Um Anormal de Barbas, da imunda Prostituta Vendida ao George Soros, a Quer-cus, gania, que ESTE ANO, não ia chover uma gota de Chuva! Nem uma! todo o Ano!
E agora, os que ladravam alto que o Clima estava a AQUECER, miam baixinho, e de má-vontade, que, nos ùltimos 16 anos...
Sobe-sobe, desce, desce, sobe-sobe... Na Média? NADA!
Key British Climate Change Proponents Whisper "No Global Warming For 16 Yrs"
If you are the one of those people who welcomed global warming cause of
the savings generated by not purchasing winter may find
this news to be a bit disappointing.
The Met office in the UK which is one of the key proponents of the
Climate Change hoax in the world, now says global warming stopped over
15 years ago. That is that the average temperature between 1997 and
August 2012 did not rise at all. Although they didn't want people to
know it as they released the numbers onto the internet without any
fanfare (six months ago when they had numbers that supported the climate
change theory the Met office made a major "press announcement."
Those figures went up to 2010 - supposedly the hottest year on record - and showed a continuing warming trend.
To put this no warming period in perspective, before 1980 temperatures
were stable or even declining. Scientists were predicting another ice
age. That was followed by a period of warming from 1980-1996. Now the
world-wide temperatures have stabilized for as long a period as the
warming which, when looked at objectively may mean the warming period
was simply an aberration.
Julgam que isto vai mudar a opinião dos Maluquinhos-Esquentadinhos?
São tão Fanáticos, que até se recusam a usar roupa quente, com este frio, a fingir que está Calor!