Céus, que violência, dirão alguns hipócritas, mas o que chamar à ùltima ideia estúpida do maior Empata-Fodas da História, o Imbecil Pomposo Bill Gates?
Daí, que quer um novo Preservativo, vulgo Condom, que seja "mais moderno", e apelativo, "para que a merda dos pretos morram todos de velhice, comós maricas dos Europeus", perdão, para o Ambiente, e os Passarinhos, lá, lá, lá...
Que as Famílias dos seus Irmãos Iluminati, se reproduzam como querem, isso, não conta.
Não, esses tarados que se cruzam entre eles até à completa falência genética, mentecaptos consanguíneos, esses ovos podres podem fazer o que quizerem.
Os Pretos, perdão, Pobres? (Depois, vão os outros...)
É só EXTERMINÁ-LOS. A TODOS. Para o bem deles.
Ao que leva a eugenia...
E quanto dá ao Inventor que ganhe o tal Concurso, este Sacana, que inventou esse Vírus Informático disfarçado de Sistema Operativo, o Windows, que é uma máquina de sacar dinheiro aos Otários?
100.000 Dólares!
O Filho da Puta do Socialeiro Ladrão Avarento!!! Sem ofensa...
Why Bill Gates's Wonder-Condoms Could Put Humans Off Sex Forever
Gavin Haynes
Having sex with Bill Gates. It is something that has happened. It is
something that has happened to Melinda Gates at least three times,
judging by her children. Thrashing about on their deluxe bed, what must
it have felt like to have the penis of the world's richest man inside
her? The fact that, at that stage, this penis had more currency assigned
to its holder than any other penis she might have chosen – did that
improve sensation, psychologically? Or did the moral weight, the sheer
heft of global significance inherent in Bill's moneyed knob, actively
detract from the experience? And, either way, would it have been better
had Bill worn what he now
proposes to help someone invent: the “condom that is better than unprotected sex”?
The latest turn in the life of the software entrepreneur is a curious
one. Bill says condoms have barely improved in 50 years. He quite
rightly suggests there must be a better way, and, if we are serious
about AIDS, then there ought to be. So, through the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, he has resolved that he will give $100,000 to whoever
can come up with a 21st century breakthrough condom.
Yes. One-hundred-thousand dollars. The global condom market
is presently worth some $6 billion. Bill
is worth
$67 billion. It would also seem that Bill hasn't heard of Durex, a
large company, who are already throwing quite a bit of money, time and
staff at the problem of next-gen johnnies. How exactly does Bill feel
this is going to go? That rather than running off to Durex to flog the
sexual equivalent of nuclear fission, a grateful inventor will take his
pat on the head and his money and go and buy approximately 60 percent of
a modest suburban home in Chorley with the proceeds?