Hippies, Disco... GONORRÉIA!
Estavam à espera do quê, ó Otários?
Malta a Ronfar tudo o que lhes aparece pela frente, ou por trás, ou as duas coisas...
E as Doenças Venéreas, as Outras Conquistas D'Abril, não voltavam, tão perniciosas como o Disco, e os Hippies?
É bem certo: Os Beatles não passaram duma Boys Band, os Hippies, não passavam de Vagabundos com Peneiras, e a "Revolução Sexual", uma cambada de Tarados Sexuais, e Irresponsáveis!
E esta "prenda", a Gonorréia, que apanham à toa, como os Cães Vadios, pode-vos lixar a Vida, Sexual, e não só...
Claphappy Superbugs!
Marcus Roberts
Gonorrhea. It’s a very common STI, so common in fact that we even
give it a common name – “the clap”. If you’re interested in obscure
etymology (and who isn’t?) then you should look at
this article
for an eye-watering discussion on the origins of Gonorrhea’s nickname.
Every year around 106 million people are infected with the disease
globally (around 700,000 in the US alone). According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) these poor unfortunates may suffer bleeding, pain when urinating or a discharge. More
“Untreated, [gonorrhoea] can cause
complications such as infertility, infections, stillbirths and increased
susceptibility to HIV infection. Babies born to mothers with gonorrhea
have a 30 to 50 percent chance of developing eye infections, and
potentially blindness.”