Não caio na Demagogia barata de fingir que o Povo é Inimputável...

Não caio na Demagogia barata de fingir que o Povo é Inimputável...

terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012

A Loucura Vanguardista, ou Socialismo Frankenstein

Os Humanistas, viraram Trans-Humanistas! 

Quem pensar que os Nacionais-Vanguardistas, ou Esquerdalhos, têem algum respeito por... 
É só ver estes Pesadelos asquerosos, que saem das suas "Mentes Superiores", vítimas da Consanguinidade, e com a sua Maçónica Obcessão pela Divindade a Martelo! 
Homens-Máquina, para viverem "quanto tempo queiram"... 
E é claro que as máquinas NÃO avariam, não é? 
E nessas máquinas, não haveriam Circuitos escondidos, pelos "santos" que organizassem o Tecno-Forrobodó dos Infernos? É só ver a quantidade de coisinhas que se escondem nos Telemóveis, para controlar "só os Terroristas", pois, sim...

Book Review: “The Singularity is Near,” A Transhumanist Manifesto
by Rebecca Taylor
So I finally did it. I sat down and read The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil. And while many question Kurzweil’s calculations, and his unbounded optimism about the technology of the future, The Singularity is Near is possibly the closest thing to a transhumanist manifesto as you can find.
It was as enjoyable to read as eating sand, not only because of what it offered: endless pages of technical jargon, but also because of what it didn’t: any sense of anything other than “self.”
What is the Singularity? Well defining it is a bit like nailing Jello to the wall, but I will give it a try. The Singularity is the moment when human intelligence merges with non-biological technology to vastly enhance our capabilities. The word singularity is derived from the mathematical term referring to a value that does not have a finite limitation. So essentially, after the Singularity, human intelligence, with the help of machines, will no longer be limited to what can be accomplished in our finite brains. With technology, it has the chance to become infinite.
I will let Kurzweil explain the Singularity:
“The Singularity will allow us to transcend these limitations of our biological bodies and brains. We will gain power over our fates. Our mortality will be in our own hands. We will be able to live as long as we want (a subtly different statement from saying we will live forever.)”
“The Singularity will represent the culmination of the merger of our biological thinking and existence with our technology, resulting in a world that is still human but transcends our biological roots.”
Basically, we will merge with our technology, and Kurzweil predicts:
“There will be no distinction post-Singularity, between human and machine or between physical and virtual reality.”