O "jornal" Metro, não tem emenda... Então não é que isto que vocês sentem... É CALOR?
Fiéis ao seu fundador, Adolf Hitler, donde veio a teoria do Lebensraum, que agora foi transvestida de Sustentabilidade, VOLTAM A LADRAR POR UM ECO-NAZISMO GLOBAL!!!
Green Lebensraum: The Nazi Roots of Sustainable Development
Mark Musser writes at American Thinker:Much of the European Union’s green sustainable development plans are largely based on government controlled land use planning theories rooted in the lebensraum tradition. Literally, lebensraum means “living space.” Lebensraum was originally developed by German geographer Friedrich Ratzel (1844-1904) and then greatly expanded under the banner of National Socialism (1933-1945)…
Isto é Tempo Frio, mas O CLIMA, que para estes VIGARISTAS, não tem nada a ver com o Tempo que faz, e existe nalguma 4ª Dimensão, porque JÁ SÃO 16 ANOS sem mudanças significativas do Clima, mas para estes Vigaristas, o "CLIMA ESTÁ A AQUECER!"
UK Weather Service Data Indicates No Global Warming in 16 Years
The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week.
The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures.
Mas eles julgam mesmo, que TODOS os Portugueses, estão tão estupidificados pela Bola, Telenovelas, e Porno-Concursos, que ACREDITAMOS EM TUDO?
E se só acreditam que eles mentem com quantos dentes têem, e quanta droga fumam, se só ficam a ver que estão a ser ENGANADOS, se o lerem em Inglês, cá vai alho, EcOtários!
It's raining, it's pouring, that'll be the global warming...By Richard Littlejohn
Bill Giles, the nation’s favourite weatherman was in no doubt. Britain was burning up. Within 20 years, Dundee would soon be as balmy as Berkshire. France would be virtually uninhabitable, as the Dordogne turned into a desert.
So convinced was Bill by the imminent threat of global warming that he was ripping up his English country garden in Oxfordshire and planting olive trees instead. That was back in 1996.
To be fair to Bill, he wasn’t the only one suckered by the great global warming scam, although as a qualified meteorologist he should have known better. For the past 15 years we have been bombarded with ever more hysterical predictions about the momentous effect ‘man-made’ global warming would have on Britain. Bill Giles, the nation’s favourite weatherman was in no doubt. Britain was burning up.
There would be grapevines growing in the Pennines; the Midlands would resemble a Grapes of Wrath-style dustbowl; and in Torquay, giant wildebeest would sweep majestically across the veldt . . . Unfortunately for these alarmists, the weather has continued to have other ideas. If the warmists were right, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee would have been blessed with continuous, scorching sunshine and half the country wouldn’t be under three feet of water right now. Britain’s weather has always been unpredictable. You might have thought they’d have got the message when snow fell in October 2008 on the very day the ‘Climate Change’ Bill was being debated in the House of Commons.
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