Fábula de ânus velhos
E diz o Avô Bochechas ao neto Sócras:
-Minha filha, estás a ameaçar denunciar os meus crimes?
Hó, hó, hó, hó!
Muitos tentaram;
Alguns ainda estão vivos;
Nenhum conseguiu.
E na Velha Albion, a antes Grâ-Bretanha, agora Emirato dos Dhimmies?
Parece que algo cheira mal...
Mas pode ser só fumaça;
Afinal, só se pode dizer mal dos "Juízes" Britânicos, se se fôr uma estrela Pop, como os velhadas da Banda Pink Floyd,.
Os Não-Elitistas, não podem dizer a verdade, não é?
"You will find the most inhumane evil bastards masquerading in their robes and regalia behind the legal system whose sole purpose is to thieve from men en masse to line the pockets of the British crown and its many parasitic offshoots. There is no greater terrorist threat to men than the evil that emanates from the United Grand Lodge of England via the Dukey Kent and the 33 degree masonic mafia scheming behind Chatham House in central London. The suicide statistics are truly shocking for men and if a proper investigation was pursued by the powers that be it would show many many men are being dragged through the divorce industrial complex that is a far more financially lucrative scam than even the military industrial complex with the only victims being carried away in body bags are those who faced the wrath of the judicial tyrants , hand picked by Old Lizzie, to impose massive financial and psychological pressure on the unsuspecting men duped of all their worldly possessions and who, prior to entering those courts assumed via the propaganda generated by a complicit media, that JUSTICE would prevail"
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