Não caio na Demagogia barata de fingir que o Povo é Inimputável...

Não caio na Demagogia barata de fingir que o Povo é Inimputável...

sábado, 31 de julho de 2010

Abusaram, agora, é BEM-FEITA!

Então, os Islamo-Fascistas abusaram, na América?
Sim, que os Americanos não são os ESCRAVOS dos Senhores Feudais, que os Zeropeus são...
Proposed Mosque to be built at Nicholas & Washington in Temecula.

Attend the Hearing tentatively in November 6:00 pm at 43200 Business Drive Park, Temecula and lend your voice and/or your presence so that we can stop this from happening.

..."a radically intolerant belief system that is incompatible with the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution."

Hearing date has been changed to tentatively from Aug. 18 to November 6:00 pm at 43200 Business Drive Park, Temecula and lend your voice and/or your presence so that we can stop this from happening. The city had no intention of notifying the neighborhood except by placing a notice in the paper!

The proposed Mosque would be approximately 25,000 sq ft. and have the minaret towers to blast their calls to prayer five times a day starting at 4:15 AM and ending at 9:15 PM. It will bring in Islam and usher out our freedoms and liberties, as has happened all across Europe and already parts of the US.

Uma coisa, é terem a religião deles, lá no Deserto;
Outra, é IMPÔ-LA cá, no Ocidente!

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