A noção Paleo-Nazi, e Socialista, (como em, dominar a Sociedade com mão de ferro), duma Humanidade que "escolhe a direcção da Evolução".
Pensem nisso!
Uma Humanidade que não se compreende, e ainda assim, "sabe" o que é uma boa Evolução!
Nenhum destes "Génios" sonharia em deixar um Analfabeto Tecnológico, da Idade Média, mexer nos seus Computadores, em pleno funcionamento, mas uns tantos "idiots-savants", esses, sabem o que é bom para a Humanidade, logo, devem ser os Semi-Deuses que decidem quem sobrevive, e quem vai para aqueles "Campos" onde os "Indesejáveis" são metódicamente gaseados...
Porque são Maçons, sabem uns "segredos terríveis da Atlântida" (Há, há, há há!!!) e são de "boas famílias"!
Imaginem um Congresso de Homo Habilis, a tentar escolher o seu Descendente;
O que escolheriam, o Homem, ou o Gorila?
Graças a Deus, e ao Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, que não pode ser mencionado nos "Templos" Maçónicos, e noutros templos Satânicos, MAIS ASSUMIDOS, nem esses, nem estes, Senis MACACOS, têem Poder para isso!
New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship
The Technological Revolution and the Future of Freedom, Part 3
by Andrew Gavin Marshall
We are in the midst of the most explosive development in all of human history. Humanity is experiencing a simultaneously opposing and conflicting geopolitical transition, the likes of which has never before been anticipated or experienced. Historically, the story of humanity has been the struggle between the free-thinking individual and structures of power controlled by elites that seek to dominate land, resources and people. The greatest threat to elites at any time – historically and presently – is an awakened, critically thinking and politically stimulated populace. This threat has manifested itself throughout history, in different places and at different times. Ideas of freedom, democracy, civil and human rights, liberty and equality have emerged in reaction and opposition to power structures and elite systems of control.
The greatest triumphs of the human mind – whether in art, science or thought – have arisen out of and challenged great systems of power and control. The greatest of human misery and tragedy has arisen out of the power structures and systems that elites always seek to construct and manage. War, genocide, persecution and human degradation are directly the result of decisions made by those who control the apparatus of power, whether the power manifests itself as intellectual, ecclesiastical, spiritual, militaristic, or scientific. The most malevolent and ruthless power is that over the free human mind: if one controls how one thinks, they control the individual itself. The greatest human achievements are where individuals have broken free the shackles that bind the mind and let loose the inherent and undeniable power that lies in each and every individual on this small little planet.